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Beginner's Guide to SQL and PostgreSQL

Training: SQL, PostgreSQL
Instructor: Dzianis Matveyenka
Skill level: Beginner Level
Languages: Russian
Course price: $74.99
Date of study: 11/17/2023
Certificate Recipient: Stefan Troehler

This certificate above verifies that Stefan Troehler successfully completed the course Beginner's Guide to SQL and PostgreSQL on 11/17/2023 as taught by Dzianis Matveyenka on Udemy. The certificate indicates the entire course was completed as validated by the student. The course duration represents the total video hours of the course at time of most recent completion.

About this course

The course does not require any basic concepts for its completion, because it provides detailed and up-to-date knowledge of relational databases on the example of one of the best at present DBMS PostgreSQL, and the language for working with them - SQL. The SQL standard will apply to any other relational databases though, so you don't have to worry about using a different RDBMS on your project.

The course itself is broken down into 3 main parts:

  • basic level
  • standard level
  • advanced level

For beginners, you can finish at the first two levels and return to the last one at a later date, but it is imperative that you understand all of the above over time!

The course contains many practical exercises and covers fully all aspects of relational databases:

  • defining and creating databases, schemas, tables and their fields (DDL)
  • creating SQL queries to retrieve data (DML)
  • window functions
  • B-Tree indices
  • query fulfilment plans
  • working with DBMS via the command line
  • creating a dump of the database and, conversely, rolling the schema and DBMS data from it
  • What is DWH and its best representative from Google - BigQuery
  • Let's touch on the topic of NoSQL with the CAP theorem.

After completing all levels of this course, you will be confident with relational databases, have an understanding of NoSQL stores and why they are increasingly gaining popularity (but never replace relational ones!) and feel at ease on any real-world project.

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