Where the web Design begins?
Work on any project first of all begins with the study of the company's product or service. This is a very important stage in the creation of any project. It is important for a web designer to find out as much information as possible on this topic. Therefore, as a rule, the customer is offered to fill out the terms of reference, a brief, where all important questions are prepared in advance. Sometimes, due to their employment, customers are not willing to do this. What to do. We can discuss the task by voice in Skype or any messenger convenient for the customer, record the main points and make the terms of reference ourselves. The finished technical task is provided to the client for approval, so that there is no misunderstanding during the work.
The terms of reference serves as the basis for creating a prototype, logo, corporate identity of the digging and design. The prototype is usually made for complex, multi-page projects with extensive infrastructure.
A prototype is a blueprint for future design. You can see where the logo, menu, a particular module will be located on the project pages. If the customer has materials for the project - photos, texts, contacts, etc., you need to provide them to the designer so that he works with the materials for the digging, and does not insert lorem ipsum fish. If there is nothing, it does not matter, we will do everything for you.
If you have firmly decided that the hour has come to renew your company's image - go ahead!
All you need to do is talk to a web design professional.
You are ready?
Stages of creating web design
Якщо проект складний
Якщо замовник не надав матеріали, ми створимо їх унікально.
Ми розробляємо ТІЛЬКИ УНІКАЛЬНИЙ ДИЗАЙН , не використовуючи шаблонні рішення та пробіли. Все, тільки для конкретного замовлення. Дизайн виконаний з використанням усіх передових технологій та тенденцій з урахуванням побажань клієнта. На основі технічного завдання створюється 1 унікальний та продуманий дизайн переконання. В процесі створення ми показуємо клієнтам попередні етапи роботи, узгоджуючи та затверджуючи їх.
Розробка дизайну здійснюється в FIGMA, і замовник може контролювати весь процес роботи, залишаючи коментарі. Дизайн побудований на сітці Bootstrap, він повністю реагує і буде чудово виглядати на будь-якому екрані.
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