Search algorithm Soundlike – Microsoft Access, VBA, SQL
Company: UBS AG (Bankverein), Basel
Technology: MS Access, VBA, SQL.
Link: Not available
People in the project: Stefan Tröhler
Implementation period: Jun 1997 – Dec 1997
Cost: no details
Soundlike search algorithm: Regarding the purge of nameless assets, a special search algorithm had to be developed which could match names of account holders not by their spelling but by the sound of the name. For this purpose, a Microsoft Access application was developed, which had a special search algorithm capable of producing search results by calculation. The application was implemented using Microsoft Access, VBA and SQL.
- International pressure on major Swiss banks regarding unnamed assets is
- UBS AG decides to realise an application for the search of nameless assets (Unscharfe Soundex Suche).
- This application is to be realised as simply as possible (RAD).
- The approach is not based directly on the graphical representation of a word, but searches for character strings that sound the same - the phonetic search.
- A method known in this context, which indexes words according to their sound, is called the "Soundex algorithm" in English.
- An application is developed using Microsoft Access and Microsoft Visual Basic for Application, which can search tables of mainframe systems according to certain specifications.
- Requirement Engineering
- Create data model using Dezign
- Implementation of the customer requirements using Microsoft Access 2.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic for Application
- Testing and documentation (user and technical).