SAP interface, - .NET, WCF
Company: MTM Aerospace, Germany
Technology: PSI, .NET, WCF
Link: Not available
People in the project: Stefan Tröhler
Implementation period: Jun 2012 – Sep 2012
Cost: no details
Ordering an interface between Microsoft Project Server and SAP to automatically synchronise data from SAP into Microsoft Project Server. The system is developed using .NET and its extended tools
- Interface between MS Project (planning data) and the booking data from SAP (target/actual comparison).
- Development of three different concepts for implementation and realisation.
- Presentation of the concepts and their extension possibilities
- Automated synchronisation of data between MS Project Server and SAP.
- Project implementation and extensions in several clearly defined phases.
- Project documentation and project support.
- Realisation of the project (PSI, .NET, WCF)
- Integration of the project
- Documentation of the project
- Extension and support of the project.