Budgetkalkulation - Microsoft Access, VBA
Company: Swiss Life, Zurich
Technology: MS Access, VBA
Link: Not available
People in the project: Stefan Tröhler
Implementation period: Sep 2004 – Dez 2004
Cost: no details
Creation of a budget calculation for the individual areas of the company Swiss Life in Zurich. Data is imported from files, refined and completed, calculated and output in the form of reports in Excel. The application is realised using Microsoft Access, SQL, VBA and Microsoft Excel. A corresponding application is provided for each Group region and Group division.
- Revision of the already existing application for calculating the budgets for the calculation of the individual products.
- Realised using Microsoft Access 97 and Microsoft Visual Basic for Application.
- Extending the existing application for use in all countries.
- Data is imported by means of CVS files through batch processing.
- Data is refined and supplemented.
- Consolidation across the entire company structure based on criteria is possible.
- An export of the data into Excel files is realised for the group management.
- Testing and documentation (user and technical).