Template management - Microsoft Access, Office, VBA, VB 6.0 Double function as project manager
Company: Worldspan, Zurich
Technology: MS Access, MS VB 6.0, SQL, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Publisher.
Link: Not available
People in the project: Stefan Tröhler
Implementation period: Jan 2004 – Mar 2004
Cost: no details
Ordering a template administration using Microsoft Access as the backend and Visual Basic 6.0 as the frontend. Templates are managed for the applications Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Publisher. The templates are administered in several languages and the administration is user-related. The application is implemented using Microsoft Access, Microsoft VB 6.0 and SQL.
- Dynamic management of Microsoft Office templates.
- It must be possible to add or remove new templates at any time.
- Four languages are to be integrated: German, French, Italian and English.
- Each template is automatically completed with the company logo and the sender.
- The application is installed on the computer of the respective employee.
- Database and templates are installed on a company server.
- The application has been designed to be as simple as possible and self-
- Additional integration of a Microsoft Outlook interface (templates for e-mails).
- Testing and documentation (user and technical).