Serafima Levchenko

Personal data:
e-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Skills & Abilities
- Photoshop.
- Project ideas, prototypes, UX/UI.
- Unique design and re-design of web projects.
- Designing turnkey websites and online shops (Joomla, OpenCart, WordPress, PrestaShop, ets.).
- Indentics - unique logos and icons.
- Printing - corporate identity.
An academically trained, chartered artist, freelancer with many years of experience and a great sense of style.
"For me, every customer is like a first. I will try to see the needle in the haystack and make that needle not just make stitches on the fabric, but create high fashion..."
2007 - now Self-education. Video lessons. Courses. Books ...
1986 - 1991 KPI MGHPA im.S.G. Stroganov (former MHPU named after. Kalinina) Moscow, Russia. Academic education. Red diploma.
2021 – now
BS4Y, Swiss
Creative Web Designer, UI-UX designer, website and online store development on various CMS. Development of logos and unique design.
Freelancer on the Weblancer exchange - profile
2004 - 2005
Sales manager for finished products of Intek LLC (Mariupol)
1992- 2005
Artist-master, designer in various companies.
Personal achievements
1st place on the freelance exchange in the "WEBSITE DESIGN" and "INTERNET STORES" categories.
Victories in various competitions on various foreign and Ukrainian freelance exchanges in different years.