Project management - Microsoft Access, VBA, Microsoft Excel, SQL
Creation of a project management application for the financial officers of the Board of Directors of UBS AG. Group projects were monitored with this application. For this purpose, data from various sources were loaded and compared with the respective accounting values (financial data). The budget and the hours worked were monitored. The application was developed using Microsoft Access, VBA, SQL and Microsoft Excel.
Search algorithm Soundlike – Microsoft Access, VBA, SQL
Soundlike search algorithm: Regarding the purge of nameless assets, a special search algorithm had to be developed which could match names of account holders not by their spelling but by the sound of the name. For this purpose, a Microsoft Access application was developed, which had a special search algorithm capable of producing search results by calculation. The application was implemented using Microsoft Access, VBA and SQL.
Customer consolidation – Microsoft Access, VBA, SQL
Project: After the merger of Swiss Bank Corporation and UBS AG, the aim was to combine the private banking clients of both companies and to reallocate them to the client advisors. For this purpose, a Microsoft Access application was created, which on the one hand carried out the planning for the reallocation of the customers, but on the other hand also monitored the status of the implementation. The application was realised using Microsoft Access, VBA and SQL.